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Changes to Queensland Tenancy Laws

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As most Investors are aware changes to Queensland Tenancy Laws became into effect on the 1st October 2022.

Major changes include:

  • Landlords have no automatic refusal on pets in rentals – Queensland landlords will no longer be allowed to refuse pets in rental properties without a reason deemed valid by the state government.
  • The bill offers domestic violence victims the right to leave on a week’s notice or change locks.
  • Tenants can terminate a lease if a property doesn’t meet minimum standards.

The Housing Legislation Amendment Bill passed in Parliament after two days of debate. There has been a raft of changes, and in particular under the new bill of legislation:

  • Tenants can have pets unless landlords provide a valid reason to refuse.
  • Tenants experiencing domestic violence can end a lease with just seven days’ notice.
  • No evictions – without grounds.
  • Added reasons for landlords and tenants to end tenancies.
  • Strengthening housing standards by fining landlords up to $6,850 if repairs aren’t completed.

Pets in rentals

Tenants can now apply to have animals and landlords can only say no for a reason deemed valid by the government. Some of those reasons include a lack of fencing or appropriate space for the pet, health and safety risks, or if the pet is likely to cause damage beyond repair. The bill means Queensland landlords cannot refuse a tenant’s request to have a pet without a firm reason. If a landlord does not respond to a tenant’s request to have a pet on their property within 14 days, the tenant can assume the application has been approved.

Domestic violence protection added

The legislation gives tenants experiencing domestic violence the right to end a lease with a week’s notice. They will also be able to change the locks on a property without consent from the landlord.

Minimum housing standards

Tenants have the right to terminate a lease if a property is in disrepair. While landlords will not be allowed to end a tenancy without grounds, the bill adds a suite of new reasons tenancies can be terminated by either landlords or tenants. Landlords can end a lease agreement if significant repair works need to be done, the property is subject to redevelopment, or if the owner or an immediate family member needs to move into the property. The landlord must give tenants at least two months’ notice of termination and a tenancy cannot end before the lease is up without the tenant agreeing to it.

If you have any questions about the changes to tenancy laws, please call Anthony on (07) 3392 1544.

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